Hi! My name is Anton. I’m a Delivery Manager at Grape Up. In my nomination, colleagues called me “a living example of a Renaissance man”.

In which year did you win the “Success of the Year” award, and why do you think you received it?

I won SOTY in 2022. Well, it was quite a year — full of various events and interesting challenges. I got nominated by one of our colleagues from the team – Kamil, and I believe it’s mainly because of the team we’ve put together in that project. We felt very comfortable with each other and we had a lot of fun both during work and outside the working hours . After winning the Success of the Month, I guess my past projects and various engagements in company initiatives helped me to win the SOTY.

Where did you travel as part of the prize, and what is the most memorable experience from that trip?

I haven’t had a chance to use the prize yet – I guess it’s mainly because I want this trip to be in some way more special compared to the previous trips. For a long time already, together with my wife, we have been dreaming about the Japan trip. All about this country: people, culture, history, and nature is something we are attracted to a lot. So, hopefully, we will manage to plan and organize it sometime soon and get ourselves unforgettable memories!

What are the most important values of Grape Up for you, and how do you strive to implement them in your daily work?

All the values we have defined in Grape Up are important, obviously, but among others, I’d like to mention “Win & Lose as a Team” and “Have fun”. For me, it is very important with whom I spend my time and how we spend it — ideally with a smile on our faces . I truly believe that Grape Up’s main asset is the people who are working here and the culture that we have in our company. We tend to build something more than casual work relations. I think this is something that may differentiate us from other companies.