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Our locations



ul. Żółkiewskiego 17A
31-539 Kraków, Poland
+48 (12) 416 11 49


Development center

ul. Mikołaja Kopernika 95a
15-396 Białystok, Poland
+48 (12) 416 11 49


Development center

ul. Jaworska 11-13
53-612 Wrocław, Poland
+48 (12) 416 11 49


Addepto Headquarter

ul. Świeradowska 47,
02-662 Warsaw, Poland
+48 (12) 416 11 49


Grape Up GmbH

Moosacher Strasse 82a,
80809 Munich, Germany
+49 (15) 167 995 703

Santa Clara

Grape Up Inc.

5201 Great America Parkway,
Suite 320, Santa Clara,
CA 95054, USA
+1 (408) 471 7887