Hi! My name is Asia. I’m an Employer Branding Manager at Grape Up. In my nomination, colleagues recognized my “smile, engagement, commitment, and open mind”.

In which year did you win the “Success of the Year” award, and why do you think you received it?

I had to double-check because it was quite some time ago! It was in 2017, a year after I joined Grape Up. I consider myself a people person; I’m always around, trying to bring smiles and laughter to people’s faces. I believe some people appreciated that and voted for me. 😊

Where did you travel as part of the prize, and what is the most memorable experience from that trip?

As part of the prize, we travelled to Japan, and it was an incredible experience. To this day, Japan remains the only destination I’m eager to visit again. Being a huge fan of Miyazaki’s work, visiting the “original” home of Totoro was a dream come true for me! The visit to TeamLab was also an incredibly cool experience!

What are the most important values of Grape Up for you, and how do you strive to implement them in your daily work?

One of the most crucial values at Grape Up, for me, is “Win & lose as a team.” From the very beginning of my Grape journey, I understood that the secret to our success lies in the atmosphere, especially the people’s atmosphere. It’s a place where you can truly feel welcomed, appreciated, and at home.